Otro aporte de Luyson. Gracias
01-A starlit summer (pugacheva) (2:44)
02-Love has come (pauls) (4:36)
03-The moon is shining (traditi (3:47)
04-It was long ago (traditional (3:51)
05-I was in the garden (traditi (2:08)
06-The red arrow train (mazhuko (3:55)
07-Expectation (saulsky) (3:45)
08-Carries song (pauls) (2:59)
09-Music of love (mazhukov) (3:29)
10-Farewell (flyarkovsky) (3:32)
11-On the swings (martinov) (3:53)
12-No one gives up on love (min (3:46)
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